2023 Independence Day Shotgun 2023-07-04


2023 Independence Day Shotgun for 2023-07-04


2023 Independence Day Shotgun

8:00am Shotgun Start

Tuesday, July 4th

Optional $20 Flag Tournament will be available to all players - sign up at registration on the 4th

Flag Tournament Format and Rules: Players who opt to play will be given an American flag with their name and course handicap on it. Once players hit the shot that equals their handicap, they will plant their flag in that spot. (For example: a player with a 15 handicap will plant their flag in the spot they hit their 87th shot.) 

Clubhouse will be open until 3pm and a 4th of July Buffet will be available 

Beverage Cart service will be available

Practice Area will close at 11:00am

RSVP For Event

Login to register for this event.